Leading Your Next Challenging Conversation
Equip yourself with the tools to step into those challenging conversations with confidence.
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Challenging conversations appear everywhere in life—with coworkers, our children, parents, friends, and even strangers. And, despite our valiant efforts to make them go away by ignoring them, more often than not, they hang around like an unwanted houseguest until you are eventually forced to say something.
- When that time comes, what do you say and how do you say it?
- Is it possible to make that conversation productive?
- Why do we avoid these conversations in the first place?
- Can we learn to confidently have these conversations instead of avoiding them?
This course is designed to help you answer these questions and leave you feeling confident, prepared, and fully capable to initiate and lead a productive, connecting, and worthwhile conversation with whomever you are avoiding or nervous to talk to.
At the end of this course you will be able to:
- Assess whether a challenging conversation is worth having in the first place.
- Empathize with the person (or persons) you are challenged by and use that understanding to lead a valuable conversation with them.
- Assess what is causing the difficulty or challenge and know what to do about it.
- Reliably prepare for all of your challenging conversations and feel confident having them.
Your Instructor
Your instructor, Kell, (that’s me!) has spent the past two decades deeply immersed in the world of conversation and human relationship. I have always been fascinated with what causes the deep, meaningful, and connected relationships we all crave…yet are so rare. This fascination has led me into a range of wild and crazy adventures: I have led multi-cultural groups on tours traveling together across North America, led groups of people on intensive trips through the wilderness, facilitated restorative justice circles, taught courses on group dynamics and conflict resolution at a local university, earned a Master's Degree in Communication, and for the last 6 years worked as a Conversant Consultant with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and school systems.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction (4:45)
StartAxioms Overview: Why People Do What They Do (2:17)
StartUnderstanding Others: The Conversation Prep Chart (12:21)
StartConversational Quality: The Conversation Meter (3:26)
StartHaving Your Challenging Conversation
StartReflection & Wrap up: Carrying Your Learning Forward (1:40)